Reactive Stength Index (RSI)
testing sport-specific
leg left/right (a)symmetry |
Reactivity Strength
An important component of the physical
requirements is the reactive strength.
Reactive strength can be defined as the ability
to change quickly from an eccentric to a
concentric contraction. (Young,1995)
Stretch Shorten Cycle (SSC) |
The RSIndex is a suitable way of registering the
extent of explosivity. Just as with single jumps
this registration is also possible in the
Topjump-system master with multiple jumps (rep jumps),
the measurements shows the leg symmetry left/right
The Reactive Strength Index (RSI) is one component of the Strength Qualities Assessment Test.
SQAT is used at the Australian Institute of Sport (Young, 1995)
Using the Topjump-system with (ply)jump protocol the RSI is a calculated figure derived
by dividing the height jumped by the time in contact prior to take-off (height jumped/time).