The Shuttle Walk Test (ISWT & ESWT)
The best test to use in your practice, revalidationcentre or hospital.
Test or training method in in the prehabilitation- or rehabilitation-process.
Dr. Sally Singh
Thorax 1992; 47(12):1019-1024.
Dr. Sally Singh, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Leicester, UK,
with her team developed the 10m shuttle walk test for patients.
This 10m shuttlewalk test can easily be reproduced and very
well be used as a test in revalidation, children’s therapy or medical
fitness, as well as training methods (i.a. form, Claudicatio-training).
Functional Walk Training (FWT), condition and co-ordination training. |

In the Topjump-system
the "shuttle walk test"
can be used as Incremental
or Endurance mode.
Thorax, Abstract Shuttle walk test Minimum clinically important improvement for the incremental shuttle walking test
Standardisation of the ISWT
The patient can quickly and adequately be instructed
in the Topjump-system by means of a visual demo. |